
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This blog is going to be the best place to keep up with me these days, so if you’re interested in that, be sure to subscribe! 


As some of you might not know, my life has been ALL OVER THE PLACE for the past 4 years! 

2014 :: I did The World Race, 11 month missions trip to 11 different countries with Adventures in Missions.  You can read all about it here: World Race Blog.  This trip completely changed my view of myself, my relationship with Christ, my knowledge of who God is, and my understanding of what I wanted to do with my life! AKA, large turning point for little miss Reggi. 

2015 (March-October) :: I participated in The Fellowship program at Adventures in Missions, which is a lot like an internship. It was during this time that I fell 100% in love with Gainesville, GA and Adventures as an organization. I grew here into the woman I can now proudly say that I am and love.  It is where I felt most confident about myself, who I am in Christ, and in my abilities.  I also learned a lot about friendships and relationships, which is super important to me as I’ve been known to enjoy humans basically my whole life! 

2015 (October) – 2016 (November) :: I made the ever talked about move to Nashville, TN. I’d been dreaming and telling people that I wanted to move to Nashville since a great experience at a Garth Brooks concert in 2010. So I did it. Even though by the time I moved, I didn’t actually want to leave Gainesville. But, I’d been telling people I would & you can’t back out on what you tell people,,, right? (insert eye roll).  Nashville was hard, actually very very hard for me. However, in all hard things, typically great lessons come from them.  In my situation, a great job also came from it. Since October of 2015 I have had the pleasure to be the Partnership Coordinator for FASHIONABLE — a company that provides jobs for women who have been in and out of hard situations ranging from addiction, prostitution, prison, homelessness or lack of opportunity. We work with women in Nashville, Ethiopia, Mexico & Peru and provide them with sustainable jobs to be able to provide for themselves and their families. *Insert celebration for Schuylar finding her dream job* — What I discovered in Nashville though, is that though I love FASHIONABLE, happiness in a job isn’t enough to equal happiness in life.  I need human connection outside of work, a good christian community, and to NOT live in a city in order to thrive in life. I was ready to leave Nashville after about 3 months, but I stuck it out for a year to give it a chance. Then, I left and by all God’s grace and blessings, I am able to work remotely for FASHIONABLE. PRAISE! 

2016 (November) – 2017 (January) :: This small time period is what I like to call a leap of faith that blew up in my face, but was all worth it because it got me to where I believe God has me for the next few years! Long story short, I moved to a town in south GA that ended up not working out, quickly had to leave and when I had to pick somewhere to go good ole Gainesville GA welcomed me with open arms 🙂  — for more information on this part of my story, stay tuned for a future blog OR give me a call, I’d love to catch up! 304-634-1406

2017 — ? :: I’ve landed back in Gainesville, GA and I absolutely love it!  Like I mentioned, I am still working remotely for FASHIONABLE, but the Lord also has opened the door for me to be back at ADVENTURES! WOAH, lets just insert a small shout out here to Jesus for always working things out, am I right?!  Adventures in Missions has been changing my life and being part of me growing in Christ for the past 4 years & I am honored to now be on Staff!  I am working as a Customer Relations Manager in the Short Term Missions department.  This means, I get the pleasure of working with participants interested in going on short term missions trips, which typically lead to them falling in love with Missions, growing in their relationship with the Lord, and potentially going on longer trips in the future to serve the Lord in other areas! And I get to tell people all about Adventures in Missions, and watch this amazing organization be a platform that God works through to lead people to Him.  ISN’T THAT SO COOL?! 


So that’s where I’m at in this crazy journey we all know as life at this point in time! I’d love to keep you all in the loop more often, so be sure to sign up for updates! 


Also, as part of being on staff, part of my job is helping raise funds for Adventures to keep doing what they are doing!  If you are looking for a ministry to support, I’d love to talk to you more about Adventures and invite you into it!  Please contact me via phone or email to chat if you are interested!  My goal is to raise $600 a month during my time here.  That can mean monthly donors of anywhere between $10/ month or $600/ month if you’re feeling really generous! 

You can donate through my blog & all donations are tax deductible!  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂 


Thank you all for your continued support in my life! I know I’m far from home these days, and have been for awhile, but you’ve all been a HUGE part of my journey over the years and I appreciate it so so much <3


  1. love hearing about your journey as you continue to run after God and risk for Him… which sometimes means falling flat on our face, ha!

    P.S. looking forward to our next date after the crazy slows down!

  2. I think it’s no accident we ended up in Gainesville at the same time 🙂 thanks for sharing your story!

  3. Loved reading this. I am so proud of the work you’re doing and happy in Gainesville. Continue to look for ways to study and fellowship with people who love the Lord, who will encourage and love you for who you are. Read the Psalms for wonderful promises and assurances of God’s love and take Jeremiah 29:11 personally. Love you, Grammie

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